
FinHPB Cohort

A Cross-Disciplinary International Research Project to Improve HPB Cancer Treatment

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in Early Cancer Detection and Risk Classification


Pulmonary Physiotherapy for Prevention of Pulmonary Complications


Investigating the Role of Microbiome in Pancreatic Cancer

Histopathological Studies

Understanding the Immunology of Pancreatic Cancer and its Surrounding Stroma


Preoperative Surgical Fitness Assessment for Predicting Outcomes in PDAC Patients

International collaboration studies

ScanPan 1
Recent advances in combination chemotherapy have improved the prognosis of pancreatic cancer, allowing surgical resection for patient groups that were previously deemed inoperable. However, the role of surgery in the management of metastatic pancreatic cancer is still unclear, as it has traditionally been considered a contraindication. To address this issue, the ScanPan 1 study aims to investigate the safety, feasibility, and prognostic significance of surgical intervention for patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer. This Scandinavian multicenter study involves the participation of the Oulu University Hospital HPB Research Group as the only center in Finland. is a global team dedicated to conducting a snapshot clinical study to assess the outcomes of pancreatic surgery worldwide. This collaborative approach allows for a comprehensive evaluation of current practices in a short timeframe. Oulu University Hospital HPB Research Group is the only center in Finland participating in this study.

Coming soon!

National collaboration studies

Coming soon!